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Snow Days with Family

Did you hear those two famous words this morning?? SNOW DAY!! For kids, this is music to their ears, it means that they get to ignore their responsibilities for the day and stay home from school.

Wouldn’t it be nice if parents got that same luxury? Snow Day means something entirely different to you. It means adding one more thing to your  never ending list. So now on top of going to work, getting groceries, checking on your aging parents, you now have to find someone to watch your kids, and all this in a snow storm, or in today’s case on an ice rink. 

So why not let First Line Security take one thing off your plate? This is the ideal time to install a medical alarm for your aging parents. It would give you, and them the peace of mind to know that in inclement weather help is still only the push of a button away.

You can get start by checking out the Medical Alarm section on our website or by simply calling First Line Security at 519-881-1103. We will be able to answer all of your questions and explain the different systems and payment options we have.

Of course the next step is getting your loved one on board. Unfortunately, this tends to be the most difficult step because no one wants to believe they need the extra help. We have found in some cases that when we go and install the unit, the customer may not want it or think they need one. If this is the case, they will never wear the pendant and never push the alarm which doesn’t do anyone any good. A medical alarm is only as good as the person operating it, so this is really crucial if a medical alarm is to be beneficial.

Since most of South-Western Ontario is a giant skating rink I find myself remembering this quote by
Red Green “Keep your stick on the ice” and stay safe out there!